Dioxins testing in food

ALS performs determination of PCDD/F and indicator and dioxin-like PCBs in bio samples by isotope dilution method using HRGC-HRMS. The procedure fulfills the conditions and requirements of the US EPA 1613 (for PCDD/F)  and the US EPA 1668 (PCBs) and related European directives for food and feed.


Dioxins are part of a persistent organic pollutants group (POPs), where further include chemically related polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated biphenyls especially dioxin-like (dioxin-like PCBs), also known as coplanar PCB (coplanar PCB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) known as flame retardants and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Dioxins include 75 PCDD congeners and 135 PCDF congeners, of which 17 are the most toxic.

Range of dioxins testing in food- and feedstuffs:

  • PCDD/F
  • Combined package of PCDD/F, dioxin-like PCBs and indicator PCBs

Offered PCBs testing in food- and feedstuffs:

  • Dioxin-like PCBs
  • Indicator PCBs (PCBs (PCB 28,52,101,138,153,180 and their sum)
  • Sum of 209 PCBs
  • Combined package of dioxin-like PCBs and indicator PCBs

We standardly provide accredited testing of dioxins and PCBs in following matrixes:

  • Food, foodstuffs
  • Feeding stuffs, mixtures
  • Kaolinitic clays, minerals
  • Biota samples (vegetal, animal)
  • Biological materials (serum, blood…)

Determination of all POPs is in our laboratory performed accredited in compliance with ISO 17025 standard requirements.


Worldwide, clients take advantage from the ALS primary objective to assist the clients to make informed decisions by consistently providing reliable, reproducible analytical data of the highest integrity through any laboratory within the Group.

Like many clients all over Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia, feel free to contact us and let us provide you with the Right solutions.

References and Quality system specification you can find in our Quality Brochure.